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Showing posts from October, 2021

Valley of Flowers Trek

  Valley of Flowers Trek About Valley of Flowers The Valley of Flowers lives up to its name, with an endless supply of flowers in full bloom. The journey could even be renamed a floral fairytale romance! The Valley of Flowers' unique landscape is like a dream come true: an exquisite valley bejewelled with a never-ending stretch of flowers. Between the rocky mountain ranges of Zanskar and the Great Himalayas are lovely meadows studded with indigenous alpine flora. The area, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, was designated as a national park in 1982. The endless stretch of gorgeous vegetation, dotted with colourful blossoms of pink, yellow, purple, red, blue, and orange hues, is the highlight of this excursion. Throughout the hike, the fragrant scent of the carpeting flowers entices you. Botanists, flower lovers, bird watchers, wildlife photographers, hikers, environment enthusiasts, and adventure seekers from all over the world are drawn to the valley's unspoiled beauty. It...

Sar Pass Trek Himachal Pradesh

  Sar Pass Trek Great Summer or Winter Trek  in Himachal Pradesh Sar Pass, located at 13,800 feet above sea level, offers the magnificence of a beautiful verdant landscape and is a photographer's, artist's, and nature lover's paradise. The Sar Pass trek , set against a curtain of majestic Himalayan peaks wrapped in snow, passes through some of the most scenic views ranging from forests to meadows to ice blankets. While trekking from TilaLotni to Biskeri Ridge, one must pass by a small, usually frozen lake known as "Sar" in Himachal's local language. As a result, Sar Pass was born! The trail winds through the dense forest and leads to an enthralling winter wonderland. Sar pass trek is regarded as one of the most enthralling and amazing locations in the magnificent Parvati Valley. Sar Pass trek is widely cherished and adored for its mesmerising snowy landscapes, making it a true trekking and exploration destination. Sar pass trek is the ideal place to let all ...

Pin Parvati Pass Trek, Himachal Pradesh

  Pin Parvati Pass Trek, Himachal Pradesh Are you a storyteller looking for inspiration, or a seasoned trekker looking for a hair-raising, eye-popping adventure? So, how about a massive 17,457 ft pass at an altitude of 5,319 metres closer to the sky, nuanced with a shifting panorama of the lush prairies of Parvati Valley on one end of the spectrum and Buddhist hamlets in the wintry dry desert of the Trans-Himalayan region of Spiti on the other, painting a mural of lush geography with an assortment of vivid culture and diverse flora and fauna? Do you come from a generation that has lost touch with the taste of pure water? Do you want to hop through the Pin Valley's peas and barley terraced fields? Perhaps the luminescent moorlands of Spiti are the missing pages in your storey! Who knows, you might find your adventure, a companion, or even a storey worth telling while dangling from the pulley bridge at Tunda Bhuj, attempting your way out of the quagmire of Mantalai swamps, gasping a...

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Satopanth Glacier Trek – Lake of Divinity. Uttarakhand India

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नर्मदा परिक्रमा

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