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Showing posts from July, 2021

Valley of Flowers Trek

  Valley of Flowers Trek About Valley of Flowers The Valley of Flowers lives up to its name, with an endless supply of flowers in full bloom. The journey could even be renamed a floral fairytale romance! The Valley of Flowers' unique landscape is like a dream come true: an exquisite valley bejewelled with a never-ending stretch of flowers. Between the rocky mountain ranges of Zanskar and the Great Himalayas are lovely meadows studded with indigenous alpine flora. The area, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, was designated as a national park in 1982. The endless stretch of gorgeous vegetation, dotted with colourful blossoms of pink, yellow, purple, red, blue, and orange hues, is the highlight of this excursion. Throughout the hike, the fragrant scent of the carpeting flowers entices you. Botanists, flower lovers, bird watchers, wildlife photographers, hikers, environment enthusiasts, and adventure seekers from all over the world are drawn to the valley's unspoiled beauty. It...

10 Best Hill Stations in Maharashtra

  10 Best Hill Stations in Maharashtra Hills and mountains have always had a special place in our hearts since our childhood. Remember, as kids, how we all used to commonly draw a picture of a house by a river and with mountains in its backdrop. From many of our pilgrim sites perched on top of the hills to the Bollywood romance blooming in the lap of mountains through its many melodious and scenic songs… Hills indeed take our spirits as high as themselves! And of course, then there’s the pleasantness of weather which we always associate with our many hill stations which provide that perfect respite from the pollution and the daily grind of urban life. No wonder, the British discovered, developed and popularised most of the  famous hill stations in India , to escape the scorching Indian summer. Maharashtra a famous state in the western region of India, Maharashtra is renowned for some exotic beaches as well as for hill stations. Away from the fast-paced urban life, the hil...

5 Lesser Known Places Of Himachal Pradesh

  5 Lesser Known Places Of Himachal Pradesh With Manali full of tourists, your plans to escape the mountain must have been stalled. But there is much more to Himachal Pradesh than the famous tourist places. The state is filled with historic towns and villages, waterfalls, forest trails, rivers, parks, and picnic spots, all overlooking the majestic mountains. Here are some of the lesser-explored places where you can go to escape the crowds and enjoy your vacation. These places are very less explored places in Himachal Pradesh. You can call them the hidden gems of Himachal Pradesh. Following are some of the lesser-known places to visit in Himachal Pradesh The following are some of the most beautiful and hidden places to visit in Himachal Pradesh: Palampur Palampur is like a paradise for adventure lovers. You can enjoy rafting, paragliding, mountain trekking or skydiving which makes for a memorable experience of life. There are unexplored destinations in Palampur that offer a peaceful...

Places to visit in lonavala, Places to visit in Pune during Monsoon

Places to visit in Lonavala Lonavala , is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Maharashtra. a beautiful retreat away from the chaos of the city, Often called the ‘Jewel of Sahyadri’ and the ‘City of Caves’, this hill station boasts of a spectacular setting that includes lush green valleys, stunning waterfalls, serene lakes and remarkable caves. The myriad places to visit in Lonavala include historical sites, natural wonders, religious attractions, etc. never fail to impress visitors. Lonavala city is one of the most beautiful retreats, that takes you away from the maddening rush of the metropolises. It is located in the western part of India in the Pune district of Maharashtra. This hill station is located 96 kilometres east of Mumbai and 64 kilometres west from Pune city. Therefore this is  a profound location on the Mumbai-Pune expressway makes Lonavala cater to both the cities with the smoothest connectivity through roads and railways. Lonavala is the most visited hi...

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Satopanth Glacier Trek – Lake of Divinity. Uttarakhand India

  Satopanth Glacier Trek Lake of Divinity. Satopanth Glacier Trek & Swargarohini Glacier It is a matter of very hard work and hard perseverance to reach the lakes settled at a high altitude. One of such lakes is Satopanth lake which is full of many mysteries and legends. SatopanthLake , located in Uttarakhand, is one of the natural lakes here. Satopanth Glacier Trek also recorded on the world's tourism map due to its unique nature & beauty. Natural lakes are often round or square in shape, but this unique lake is triangular or triangular in shape. It attracts Indian tourists but also does not keep foreign tourists untouched by its sharpness. Tourists are convinced of the amazing peace found here and its beauty. Paranomic View at Satopanth Tal Trek Many foreigners love this lake so much that they give high priority to this lake for tracking. Come, let us go to see such a religious, mythological and sacred lake today, in view of the difficult but beautiful landscape reachin...

हिमाचल प्रदेश में एक जादुई अनुभव.......मणिमहेशकैलाश पीक ट्रेक

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पोलो वन विजयनगर गुजरात

  रोड   ट्रिप   पोलो   वन   विजयनगर   गुजरात   भारत   यात्रा   ब्लॉग। यह गुजरात में कैम्पिंग और एडवेंचर गतिविधियों के लिए पोलो फॉरेस्ट के लिए एक सूचनात्मक यात्रा गाइड है प्रकृति के करीब. पोलो फॉरेस्ट - अहमदाबाद के पास हरे-भरे वन क्षेत्र पोलो फॉरेस्ट में जाकर मुझे प्रकृति के बारे में जानने का मौका मिला। यह जीवन समय के लिए मेरी अक्षम्य स्मृति है। अति सुन्दर। मैंने यहां कुछ मौन क्षणों का आनंद लिया जिससे मुझे जंगल के बारे में पता चला। यह बहुत सुंदर है। मैं जंगल की खूबसूरती में इतना खो गया था कि मुझे यह पता ही नहीं चला कि समय इतना बीत चुका है कि मैं इसे नहीं छोड़ सकता पोलो वन एक सुंदर वन क्षेत्र है जो गुजरात के विजय नगर तालुका में अभापुर गांव के पास स्थित 400 वर्ग किलोमीटर में फैला हुआ है। यह जगह अहमदाबाद के पास प्रसिद्ध सप्ताहांत गंतव्य है जो इस मेगा शहर से सिर्फ 150KM पर स्थित है। आप अहमदाबाद से एक दिन की पिकनिक की योजना भी बना सकते हैं और पोलो जंगल के हरे-भरे मैदान को देख सकते हैं। पोलो वन, जिसे विजयनगर वन के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, ...

नर्मदा परिक्रमा

  नर्मदा परिक्रमा दुनिया में जब भी भारत की बात होती है तो प्राकृतिक सुंदरता के वर्णन के बिना पूरी नहीं होती . आइये आज आपको माँ नर्मदा की परिक्रमा के बारे में कुछ जानकारी देते हैं       नर्मदा हिंदू मान्यताओं के अनुसार सात पवित्र नदियों में से एक है। यह भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप की पांचवीं सबसे बड़ी नदी है। नर्मदा नदी की उत्पत्ति   मध्य प्रदेश राज्य में मैकल पर्वत श्रृंखलाओं ( अमरकंटक पहाड़ियों ) से होती है। यह दो अलग - अलग भारतीय राज्यों , मध्य प्रदेश और गुजरात के साथ 1312 KM की लंबाई के माध्यम से पश्चिमी दिशा ( पूर्व से पश्चिम ) में बहती है , गुजरात में भरूच शहर के पास कैम्बे की खाड़ी के माध्यम से अरब सागर में विलय होती है। भौगोलिक दृष्टिकोण से , नर्मदा नदी को उत्तर भारत और दक्षिण भारत के बीच विभक्त माना जाता है।         नर्मदा एक पवित्र नदी है जो अमरकंटक नामक स्थान से मध्य भारत की मैकल पहाड़ियो...

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