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Showing posts from August, 2021

Valley of Flowers Trek

  Valley of Flowers Trek About Valley of Flowers The Valley of Flowers lives up to its name, with an endless supply of flowers in full bloom. The journey could even be renamed a floral fairytale romance! The Valley of Flowers' unique landscape is like a dream come true: an exquisite valley bejewelled with a never-ending stretch of flowers. Between the rocky mountain ranges of Zanskar and the Great Himalayas are lovely meadows studded with indigenous alpine flora. The area, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, was designated as a national park in 1982. The endless stretch of gorgeous vegetation, dotted with colourful blossoms of pink, yellow, purple, red, blue, and orange hues, is the highlight of this excursion. Throughout the hike, the fragrant scent of the carpeting flowers entices you. Botanists, flower lovers, bird watchers, wildlife photographers, hikers, environment enthusiasts, and adventure seekers from all over the world are drawn to the valley's unspoiled beauty. It...

Top Best Hill Stations in Jharkhand

  It is a different fun to visit these hill stations in Jharkhand Jharkhand attracts its guests with its untouched natural beauty. The phrase Jharkhand’ actually capability ‘the territory of forests’ and is recognized for its dense evergreen forests and wildlife. The country is a heaven for nature lovers. The neighbourhood human beings here are known for their hospitality. The state offers its traffic an excellent panoramic view of lush herbal greenery. The National Parks and the flora and fauna sanctuaries in the state is a safe residence of many uncommon and endangered species of plant life and fauna. You should additionally visit these hill stations of Jharkhand, which have peace and tranquillity in themselves. Today, leaving Kerala, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, they go closer to Jharkhand, the jap state of India. Natural wealth, stunning and dense forests and hills, this state is very specific for India. This state is no less than any other stat...

Marvelous Hill Stations of India

Marvellous Hill Stations of India which Are Not In The Himalayas If you're looking for a change from the Himalayan views offered by Himachal Pradesh's hill stations, you've come to the correct location. There are wonderful hill stations in India that are not in the Himalayas, ranging from tea and coffee estates to strawberry picking and gushing waterfalls. They are, nevertheless, just magnificent. So keep reading to find out everything you need to know. Daringbadi: A Spectacular Hill Station in Odisha Daringbadi is the place to go if you're not a history hunter and want to skip the uncountable ancient sites, temples, and other landmarks. While Daringbadi is most known for its lush coffee plantations, beautiful valleys, pine woods, and sweeping meadows, it may be visited at any time of year. Odisha is well-known for its history and culture, but it is less well-known for its stunning natural beauty. The hidden jewel of Daringbadi, affectionately known as the "Kashmi...


HAMPTA PASS TREK ( the pass to heaven ) A Dramatic Crossover Trek in the Himalayas At 14,000 feet, the Hampta Pass in Himachal Pradesh is one of the Himalayas’ unique and stunning pass crossings. The lush green valley of Kullu lies on one side, with forests, grasslands, and flowers flowering along the way. On the other hand, Lahaul has an almost dry, austere terrain with bare mountains and little flora. The Hampta pass hike in the Himalayas is the greatest spot to be if you want to see the monsoon at its best. Stream crossings, gorgeous forest paths, tough and thrilling rocky routes, waterfall crossings, frozen glaciers, ultracold river crossings, fog-covered campsites among waterfalls and rivers, snow-covered Rohtang Pass, ChandraTaal lake, and many more life-long moments HAMPTA PASS is considered by locals to be the gateway to heaven.. What's ahead and what's behind are two separate worlds from where I'm standing at the top of the pass. It shifts in a matter of seconds....

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Satopanth Glacier Trek – Lake of Divinity. Uttarakhand India

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हिमाचल प्रदेश में एक जादुई अनुभव.......मणिमहेशकैलाश पीक ट्रेक

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नर्मदा परिक्रमा

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